Trout Stream Improvement

LaBarge Colorado River Restoration Project

LaBarge Colorado River Restoration Project
Project Recipient
Wyoming Game and Fish
Project Federal Funding (FWS)
Project Matching Funds
Project JHOF Funding
Project Total Funding
$185, 000

The LaBarge Restoration Project will renovate a fish migration barrier that was constructed to prevent the upstream movement of non-native salmonids. Fish were discovered to be moving either through or over the barrier in 2006, hence jeopardizing six years worth of effort to restore this drainage to native fish species. Barrier modifications will fully block upstream fish migration over or through the barrier and ensure its long-term integrity and functionality in order to improve native Colorado River cutthroat trout populations. Project partners include Trout Unlimited, Central Utah Projects, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Forest Service.