Trout Stream Improvement

Gros Ventre Fish Passage Improvement

Gros Ventre River, Wyoming
Project Recipient
Trout Unlimited, Inc.
Project Federal Funding (FWS)
Project Matching Funds
Project JHOF Funding
Project Total Funding

Trout Unlimited, Inc. will enhance native fish passage to over 42 miles of the Gros Ventre River by removing a diversion structure at Kelly, Wyoming and restoring the river gradient at the site. The Newbold diversion, a historic but no longer used water diversion structure, limits upstream migration of adult trout. Radio telemetry of adult trout performed in 2007-08 showed that while some adult fish are able to pass upstream of the structure, nearly as many fish did not pass. The project will remove the channel-spanning diversion structure and restore the river gradient at the site, thereby completely restoring fish passage for native trout and non-game species. Project partners include the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/National Elk Refuge, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Albert and Bertha Markstein Foundation, Marine Ventures Foundation, and private landowners.

43.6215511, -110.6239355